In January 2017, Multi-Media hosted its annual kick-off event – held this year at ‘The Galleria’ in Sandton. Bringing the team together to start the year was exciting and new initiatives were launched in line with the businesses mission, vision and goals for 2017 and beyond.
Having initially established a vision and mission when the business was founded in 1991 – the companies EXCO committee decided that in line with a dramatically changed industry and the growth that Multi-Media has experienced over the course of the last year in particular, revised values and a revised vision were required.
Certain tenets have guided Multi-Media since its inception. Integrity, a commitment to excellence and a willingness to find solutions to any challenge being the defining virtues that have governed how Multi-Media employees at all levels have behaved with both internal and external stakeholders. These values are non-negotiable and by sharing them publicly, Multi-Media displays a willingness to be held accountable in the public domain.
Redefining the service experience within the technical eventing industry – Multi-Media’s vision statement and the guiding principle that drives each action we take and each decision we make, we know that the success of an event is dependent on numerous factors. We believe the most important of these is service – South Africa has a highly competitive and rapidly expanding events industry. The top suppliers all maintain an extensive arsenal of world-class equipment and well-trained and competent crew. Multi-Media have decided to focus on the one true differentiating factor that separates a technical solutions supplier from a technical solutions partner.
What this means for you:
- consistent service excellence
- a technical solutions partner, not merely another supplier
- partnering with a company who set the service standard all others aspire to match
- building partnerships that stand the test of time based on a foundation of integrity and exceeding expectations
Contact us today to experience the Multi-Media difference.